为什么要冒材料因氢脆(HE)而发生意外或过早失效的风险?? Element提供精确的氢脆(HE)测试,符合ASTM F519能源标准, Aerospace, and Automotive sectors, 确保关键金属部件的可靠性和安全性. With many years of expertise in corrosion testing, 您可以信任Element来降低风险并保持im体育平台app下载遵从性, providing you with peace of mind.


What is Hydrogen Embrittlement (HE) Testing?

氢脆(HE)测试通过评估材料因氢吸收而产生的延展性来确定材料在腐蚀环境中受拉应力影响的性能. 当金属在电镀或腐蚀过程中吸收氢时,就会发生氢脆, leading to a loss of ductility and toughness, 最终导致在静载荷下过早失效.

There are two types of hydrogen embrittlement:

  • Internal HE: This occurs when hydrogen enters metal during forming, coating, plating, cleaning, and finishing operations.
  • Environmental HE: This results from hydrogen absorption from the environment.


  • Reliable Performance: 我们的HE测试可确保您的材料在腐蚀性环境中可靠地工作 tensile stress,减少过早失效的可能性,确保产品寿命.
  • Improved Safety: 通过识别由于氢脆而导致的材料的潜在弱点, our testing helps identify issues before they arise, 保护您的产品和最终用户免受潜在危害.
  • Cost Savings: 通过我们的测试,早期发现氢脆问题可以防止代价高昂的故障和停机时间, 最终节省你的钱,从长远来看,避免昂贵的维修或更换.
  • Enhanced Product Quality: 通过对材料的延性和韧性进行综合评价, our HE testing helps maintain high product quality standards, 确保您的材料达到或超过性能预期.
  • Industry Compliance: Following strict industry standards such as ASTM F519, 我们的测试程序保证符合法规要求, 让您对产品的可靠性和合法性充满信心
  • Advanced Expertise: 正确进行HE测试需要材料科学的专业知识, metallurgy and testing methods. 我们的专家在腐蚀测试方面有深厚的知识和多年的经验, to support you with your hydrogen embrittlement assessment.
  • Assurance In All Conditions: 您需要知道您的产品能够承受各种环境和条件下的腐蚀. 我们先进的模拟和测试方法有助于测试各种可能性, providing you with assurance.


“进行氢脆测试的最大好处是,它有助于确保受到高应力和暴露于氢的关键部件的安全性和可靠性, such as those used in the aerospace, automotive, and energy industries. ”

Vikram Nanda


Elements Global Corrosion Testing Specialist, Phil Dent.

Phil Dent

Element's Global Corrosion Specialist

Read more about Phil

Vikram Nanda

Element's Metallurgy and Failure Analysis Expert

Read more about Vikram

Sustained Load Testing (SLT)

元件根据ASTM F519进行机械氢脆测试. 测试规范概述了持续载荷测试(SLT)的使用,通过施加长达200小时的单轴拉伸来测量钢材料中氢脆的可能性.  Additionally, ASTM F519提供了评估表面处理过程的指南, pretreatments, and the plating/coating of steel parts. 


Galvanically Induced Hydrogen Stress Cracking (GHSC) 

金属中氢(通过腐蚀引入)的存在可能导致延展性降低,并且在拉伸应力(施加和/或残余)存在的情况下增加对开裂的敏感性。. Element的GHSC测试有助于评估耐腐蚀产品和金属材料的氢脆可持续性, when galvanically coupled, as the cathode, to another metal (carbon steel). We perform testing in accordance to NACE MR0175/ISO 15156.


Hydrogen Induced Stress Cracking (HISC)

Subsea 石油 & 天然气生产设备暴露在恶劣的条件下,导致耐腐蚀合金(CRAs)的许多故障。. 我们的氢脆测试实验室可以进行镍合金和双相不锈钢的HISC测试, widely used in subsea components, 研究氢如何影响材料在机械应力下的行为.


Why choose Element?

Element conducts HE testing according to ASTM F519 standards, serving many industries including Energy, Aerospace, and Automotive. 凭借我们深厚的知识和多年的腐蚀测试经验, 我们确保在模拟服务环境中准确评估材料. 我们全面的测试服务严格遵循im体育平台app下载标准, guaranteeing reliability and compliance. 此外,我们还为海底石油等im体育平台app下载提供专业测试 & 天然气生产设备证明了我们对定制解决方案的承诺.

Find out more about Element and our credentials within the testing, inspection, and certification industry. 了解更多关于Element或要求报价,请随时 reach out to us today.

FAQ: What is Hydrogen Embrittlement? 

Discover hydrogen embrittlement as Vikram Nanda, an expert in metallurgy and metallurgical failure analysis, provides answers to commonly asked questions in this article.


Hydrogen Fuel Cell Design Analysis 

To improve the design of hydrogen fuel cells, Element Digital Engineering使用CFD建模来帮助优化芯内的流动路径.


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